Transforming Addiction In her book, “The Fourfold Way”, itself an inspired compilation of cross...
Mindfulness is the process of paying attention to what we’re doing, thinking, saying and feeling....
Transforming Addiction In her book, “The Fourfold Way”, itself an inspired compilation of cross cultural indigenous wisdom, Angeles Arrien presents a well-informed alternative to our usual understanding of addiction. Through extensive research, Arrien has isolated...
Mindfulness is the process of paying attention to what we’re doing, thinking, saying and feeling. This is not ordinary attention however, but rather a highly focused, yet gentle non-judgmental, look at the very nature of our own conscious processes. Mindfulness...
Transforming Communication Too often, our words and nonverbal language are a blend of mixed messages that don’t match our true intention. Similarly, rather than listening, we can get tangled in our own thoughts and strategies for getting others to do or see things our...
The true creative process is born of a deep inner yearning to be used in a way you, yourself, find resonant with the good, the true and the beautiful. It’s often felt as a strong pull you simply cannot ignore… a compelling magnetism that draws you deeper toward...
Transforming Anger Anger can be described as a complex of thoughts, feelings and urges that show up when things don’t go our way. It’s pretty simple to understand; we just want to be happy. Unfortunately, we believe our happiness is contingent on things turning...
Transforming Depression Let’s face it, depression feels bad, but what’s wrong with feeling bad? We may not like it, but it’s not wrong… or right, for that matter. It’s just our experience. Unfortunately we seem to have developed the notion that certain feelings are...
Transforming Panic In the usual psychological literature, panic is described as the sudden onset of intense fear in the absence of real danger. It’s hallmark symptoms, happen in both the body and mind and can include palpitations, sweating, shakiness, trembling,...
Generalized Anxiety
Transforming Anxiety Anxiety and other psychological disorders are usually characterized by their familiar signs and symptoms. In the case of anxiety, its stress gone wild… symptoms include excessive worry, muscle tension, restlessness, changes in sleeping and...
Afraid to Leap? Here’s Why.
The world is changing. There’s been a lot of scary talk lately about the exponential rate of change in our world, along with suggestions about how to thrive amid all the uncertainty. It’s become obvious that old methods won’t prepare you for an unpredictable future;...