Learn how to run your mind, instead of letting it run you.



Transforming Addiction In her book, “The Fourfold Way”, itself an inspired compilation of cross cultural indigenous wisdom, Angeles Arrien presents a well-informed alternative to our usual understanding of addiction. Through extensive research, Arrien has isolated...


Mindfulness is the process of paying attention to what we’re doing, thinking, saying and feeling. This is not ordinary attention however, but rather a highly focused, yet gentle non-judgmental, look at the very nature of our own conscious processes. Mindfulness...


Transforming Communication Too often, our words and nonverbal language are a blend of mixed messages that don’t match our true intention. Similarly, rather than listening, we can get tangled in our own thoughts and strategies for getting others to do or see things our...


The true creative process is born of a deep inner yearning to be used in a way you, yourself, find resonant with the good, the true and the beautiful. It’s often felt as a strong pull you simply cannot ignore… a compelling magnetism that draws you deeper toward...


Transforming Anger Anger can be described as a complex of thoughts, feelings and urges that show up when things don’t go our way.  It’s pretty simple to understand; we just want to be happy. Unfortunately, we believe our happiness is contingent on things turning...


Transforming Depression Let’s face it, depression feels bad, but what’s wrong with feeling bad? We may not like it, but it’s not wrong… or right, for that matter. It’s just our experience. Unfortunately we seem to have developed the notion that certain feelings are...
Say What You Mean

Say What You Mean

Too often, our words and nonverbal language are a blend of mixed messages that don’t match our true intention. Similarly, rather than listening, we can get tangled in our own thoughts and strategies for getting others to do or see things our way. Although, these are...

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How to Get Unstuck From Anything (Part 3)

How to Get Unstuck From Anything (Part 3)

Ok so on the previous post, we moved deeper into the kaleidoscopic theory of change. And I left you with the notion that the way to lasting change is to create an environment that will keep your personal kaleidoscope in a holding pattern of joy, bliss, creativity and...

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Want Happiness?  Get Out of Your Own Way!

Want Happiness? Get Out of Your Own Way!

Basically, we’ve got it all wrong. All this time we’ve been led to believe that happiness is achieved by changing the external circumstances of our lives.  We’re not entirely at fault for embracing this belief; we’re bombarded, day in and day out, with messages from...

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Your Guide to the Good, the True and the Beautiful within. Creativity is generally thought of as self-expression; but if you unravel the process a bit, you’ll find something much deeper and more profoundly transformational at its core. The true creative process is...

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Got Passion?

Got Passion?

  “The way to find out about happiness is to keep your mind on those moments when you feel most happy, when you are really happy — not excited, not just thrilled, but deeply happy.  This is what is called following your bliss.”  Joseph Campbell We all want to...

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Looking for change in all the wrong places

Looking for change in all the wrong places

Do you often find yourself asking these questions? Why do the same people, problems, situations and troubling feelings keep showing up in my life? Why am I so unhappy (or anxious, depressed, angry)? What's wrong with me and why can't I fix this? Do you try to change,...

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