Learn how to run your mind, instead of letting it run you.

Want change? Tired of talking about it?

Most clients come to therapy to get rid of unwanted thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories and behavior.

In fact, many have spent years, even decades, struggling against these unwanted experiences.

Since you’re here on this page, you may be feeling stuck, maybe a little hopeless, or just plain tired of the obstacles that stand in the way of your happiness..  You’d like these problems to be fixed, solved, gone… so you can move forward.


Supplemental Training

But here’s the thing; maybe what appears to be the problem is not the problem.

What if you’ve been going about this all wrong?  What if it’s actually the problem solving strategies that prevent change?

I know this sounds a little paradoxical,  but think about it: our strategies for problem solving are learned behaviors that we’ve been using successfully in the external world, our entire lives.  When something’s broken, you find the cause and fix it.

But what if your internal world – the world of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, values, motivation, memories… what if all that operated on different principles, with different rules? It might be helpful to understand these rules and principles so you have a real shot at long term change.

In my experience, ACT – more than any other methodology, offers a time-tested approach that alters the function of private experiences so they no longer entrap you and prevent you from living a meaningful and enjoyable life.

In session, expect to learn a wide variety of unique skills and mindfulness practices that will allow you to embrace any challenge and face any problem head on.

ACT strategies are designed to help you  enhance what’s already working, align your passion and values with action,  commit to growth and possibility and to be the person you were meant to be.  In fact, these are the very skills that train the mind, re-wire and do what really works!

Here’s what you can expect

I will accept you as you are. I won’t judge, criticize or compare and I’ll help you notice when you do that to yourself.

I will challenge, but not push. You are in charge and you decide when and how far you want to go. When you’re ready to go past your comfort zone, I will hold your hand (metaphorically) and if you want to jump off into the great abyss, I’ll jump with you.

I will listen deeply to what you say and reflect back what I saw, heard and felt so you can see how you impact others.

I will ask really good questions to provoke, challenge, deepen, inspire and hopefully create some “ah-ha”insights.

During the process, we’ll discover where you’re stuck and where you shine and we’ll co-design actions that lead to real lasting change.

I invite you to set up a FREE phone consultation. Let’s chat about your goals and how I can serve you.

Here’s a brief introduction to my approach…

I hold a fierce optimism in the ability of all people to change, grow and wake up to their own natural intelligence.

Here’s the thing;  we don’t have to go through your entire childhood to get to the juice; whatever is keeping you stuck will show up in the present – allowing you to target what matters now, while letting go of past influences.

My job is help you drill down to your hard wiring so you can rework the internal operating system that’s driving your life (from the inside, out) – because just adding new skills to an outdated system simply doesn’t work.

Together we’ll ferret out all the hidden patterns, beliefs and constraints that sabotage your happiness and success – so you can see past blind spots, side-step pitfalls and avoid the obstacles that have been keeping you stuck… once and for all.

We’ll also unravel your personal strategies for making decisions, meeting challenges, resolving problems and activating motivation and energy – helping you maximize what works, so you can move forward  faster, more skillfully and with a renewed sense of confidence.

Throughout the process, we will experiment with small practical action steps to test out more flexible behaviors – assessing, adjusting and fine-tuning every step of the way, until you get the outcome you want.

In the process, you will learn strategies to train your mind, rewire your brainand change your life – at the core.



I invite you to CLICK HERE to contact me for more information, to answer questions, to book a session or set up a FREE 15 minute consultation.

Generalized Anxiety
With anxiety, you might experience uncomfortable sensations in the stomach, chest or throat. Perhaps you have difficultly focusing, concentrating, eating or sleeping. You might be engaged in constant worry about the future, or caught in reliving the past, or just plain worried about everything.

But please be assured, there is hope and therapy can help you get back on track. Not only will you find relief from intrusive thoughts and worries, but you’ll also discover how to cultivate positivity and well-being.

If you’re ready to live a life of value and meaning where momentary anxious moments no longer throw you off track, I invite you to call me and see how I can help. Click here to learn more about anxiety.

As far as I’m concerned “panic” is the mother of all anxiety ‘disorders’. It seems to come out of the blue, full blown and devastatingly scary and intense. It may feel as if you’re having a heart attack or going crazy. You might experience palpitations, trembling, dizziness, chills or fear of dying. Panic comes on fast and can quickly begin to control your life, making your world smaller and smaller.

Therapy offers relief and hope; but more that just returning to “normal”, I will help you discover the far bigger life that panic was preventing you from living.

If you’re ready to discover a new vision and get on track with the life you deserve, I invite you to call me and see how I can help. Click here to learn more about panic.

Many people who experience panic also suffer with agoraphobia, which is essentially a fear about having a panic attack and not being able to escape. If this is you, you may have noticed that this fear begins to control your life in a way that severely restricts your interactions with people, activities, and recreational pursuits. Many experience a sense of dread with the very idea of being outside the home alone, crossing a bridge, driving, standing in a line, or being in a crowd.

If you find yourself avoiding life, be assured, there is hope and a chance to live freely again. Therapy can make the difference. I invite you to call me (925-457-7230) and find out how I can help. In the meantime,click here and learn more about panic.

PTSD is a form of distress that is characterized by the re-experiencing of a traumatic event. With PTSD you may find that memories, intrusive thoughts or dreams about a traumatic event show up without warning. You may even have the sense that the event is reoccurring and find yourself avoiding people, places and situations that might trigger this experience. As with agoraphobia, your world becomes smaller as you try to avoid life in order to protect yourself from intense distress.

Despite the severity of the symptoms, here is hope and freedom. I use an Integral approach that focuses on the whole person: mind, body and spirit. If you’d like to learn more, please contact me and let’s chat about what would be right for you.Click here to learn more about PTSD

With depression, you may feel sad, hopeless, discouraged or just plain “down in the dumps”. Depression is different from a negative emotion, which comes and goes, because depression seems to invade your life with an almost constant sense of emptiness. You may find you can’t sleep, or you want to sleep all the time; your appetite may be reduced or increased; you may feel tired, fatigued and out of energy or steam much of the time; and worst of all, you may begin to worthless, hopeless and guilty.

You deserve to be free, energized, hopeful and living life fully. Therapy can not only help you find the way back; but can also move you forward into a life of meaning, value and passion. Call, text or email and lets chat about how I can help.Click here to read more about depression.

With anger, you may feel your emotions go from zero to a hundred in a split second. You may find yourself exploding with rage and saying and doing things, which you later regret. Once this pattern is in place, you may find it showing up with even minor irritations, making your life seem increasingly more miserable, guilt ridden and out of control. Everything is affected: relationships, work and self-esteem.

But there is hope and therapy can help. I am pleased to offer strategies far beyond “anger management”. I will help you get underneath anger and release the core issues that are driving your behavior.. so you can get your life back. Click here to read more about anger.

Creative Potential
Feelings of anxiety, depression, and anger are often the result of a slow dampening of spirit and a growing sense that you’re living someone else’s life while yours is passing away before your eyes. You may long for a sense of motivation, energy and purpose, but instead find yourself stopped in your tracks by old fears, limiting beliefs or negative self-talk.

Read more about creativity. And rest assured, therapy can help you move past old fears while discovering your creative potential and sense of the possible. Let’s chat about your goals and needs and set a course for living life to the max.

Communication Skills
Anxious, depressed and angry feelings often arise from not being able to say what you mean or mean what you say. Fears about being perceived as selfish, uncaring, unkind or mean-spirited may prevent you from speaking your truth and getting your needs met. These fears may also prevent you from being present to what others say and need.

Learning effective communication skills can enhance your relationships, your work environment and your self-esteem. Isn’t it time to get some simple skills under your belt so you can take your power, control and self-esteem back instead of backing away from life. I’m here to help, so please call and let’s chat about how I can best serve your needs. Click here for more about effective communication strategies.

Mindfulness is a term used to describe the sense of being present with what is happening in your life, right here and right now. It refers to an open-minded acceptance of your own present experience and includes a growing ability to let go of judgment, criticism and comparison. It is essentially a way to slow the world down and ‘smell the roses’, so to speak.

Mindfulness has been shown to be highly effective in reducing stress and its physiological markers, as well as bringing an renewed sense of balance, clarity and emotional intelligence. Click here to learn more about mindfulness.


Self-esteem refers to your overall beliefs about your abilities and limitations. It’s shaped by your thoughts, relationships, past experiences and the context in which you live. When self-esteem is low you may have difficulty saying “no” to requests… fearing rejection; you may feel unworthy or incompetent; or you may feel uncomfortable in social situations… feeling unattractive or unimportant. These feelings hurt and limit your ability to live life fully and joyfully.

If you struggle with these issues, therapy can help. Isn’t it time to live more fully into your true potential and learn to say YES to life in a way that is uniquely you? I’d love to be part of your journey and to help you deliver big on the life you deserve. Please call and let’s chat about how I can help. Click here to learn more about Self-esteem.

Couples Counseling
Couples often show up in therapy when they’ve already tried everything they can think of to resolve their issues. Like others, you may be caught in a negative cycle of arguing, repeated conflicts, avoidance or excessive involvement, sexual dissatisfaction, broken promises or miscommunication.

Unresolved issues can lead to extreme unhappiness, emotional reactions, separation, divorce or even abusive behavior. Sometimes things get so far off track, it’s simply hard to remember when the marriage actually worked.

You really want a loving and mutually supportive marriage, but you need a professional eye to facilitate the discussions that keep going off track. This is where therapy is masterful.

I help partners express their needs in a way the other can hear, teaching them a more effective way to communicate needs, feelings and requests. I help couples break negative interactional cycles, by catching triggers and red flags, so they can choose differently, Best of all, I help couples discover the authentic humanness in each other, activating a deeper connection, positive emotions, love, well-being and a truly supportive environment in which to thrive.

I love seeing couples re-kindle their connections and have seen many couples bounce back from that which at first appeared to be deal breakers. Please be assured, there is hope and therapy can make a difference. Give me a call and let’s chat about how I can serve you, your partner and your marriage. Click here to learn more about Couples Counseling.

Do you find yourself using more drugs or alcohol and being unable to stop or cut down despite your best attempts to do so? Is your usage interfering with your job or your relationships or creating a series of negative consequences in your daily life? Do you find you need more drugs or alcohol in order to feel better or high? Is your health suffering because of drug or alcohol use?

If you find yourself struggling to answer these questions, help is available. Therapy and possibly the support of a structured recovery program offer hope and freedom. Let’s talk about what’s best for you. Click here to learn more about addiction.

Fees and Scheduling

Fees for Psychotherapy

My rate for a standard 45-minute session is $175.00. Payment is due in full at the beginning of each session and may be paid by credit card or a money transfer app like Zelle. PayPal options are also available. Just ask. I’m happy to accommodate if possible.


Appointments are scheduled Monday through Friday. Ongoing sessions are generally booked for the same time each week, but other options, like biweekly sessions are also possible, depending on your needs. Additionally, longer 90 minute sessions are possible and are often preferred for couples and families. 

Insurance panels

I am currently resigning as a member of most insurance panels, with the exception of Contra Costa Medi-cal. However, it may still be possible to see me as an out of network provider, in which case I will provide you with a “superbill” for reimbursement from your provider.

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